Patients Participation Group

The patient participation group (PPG) was set up in 2012 to represent the patients of Woolpit Health Centre. The aim of the PPG is to work with the practice to improve services to patients at both the Health Centre and other providers.

The PPG meets every two months for one hour. If you are interested in more information please send an email to

You can also join the Woolpit Health Centre (WHC) facebook group on

Current PPG members:

Rosemary Kearsley (Chair, Tostock), David Hawes (Elmswell) , Caroline Cooke (Wetherden), Mary Jones (Wetherden), Clarissa Gosling (Wetherden), Alan Clark (Hunston), Michele Lavender (Woolpit), Sasha Peggs (Elmswell), Julia Walker (Woolpit), Sarah Howard (Woolpit), Jane Storey (Tostock), Florence Bevan (Tostock), Richard Auchincloss (Woolpit), Pam Frost (Woolpit), Dr Richard West (WHC – GP/Senior Partner), Samantha Rushton (WHC – Primary Care Network Manager), and Cali O’Brien (WHC – PCN Care Co-ordinator).